Prince James mike
Jeg fikk for litt siden denne emailen (nedenfor). Slike har jeg fått flere av og det morsomme er jo at noen går på slike. Sikkert de samme som tror det er mulig å mangedoble pengene sine på ett år ved å bli med i WGI osv. Videre så minner den jo mye om FFK`s egen Given Mabasa
Attn: Sir,
I am Prince James mike, the elder son of His Royal Majesty David Mike and I know this letter might surprise you because we have not met neither in person nor by correspondence, but I believe that it takes just one day to get to meet or know someone either physically or through correspondence.
I got your contact through my private research you were revealed as being quite astute in private entrepreneurship, one has no doubt in your ability to handle a financial business transaction. However, I am the first son of His Royal Majesty David Mike, the traditional ruler of Eleme Kingdom in Nigeria.
I am making this contact to you in respect of US$18,500,000.00,which I inherited from my late father. This money was accumulated from royalties paid to my father as compensation by the Crude oil located in our area as a result of Mineral presence in our land, which hampers Agriculture which is our main source of livelihood. Unfortunately my father died from protracted diabetes.
But before his death he called my attention and informed me that he lodged some funds in a box with a security firm with an open beneficiary. The lodgment security code number was also revealed to me. He then advised me to look for a reliable business partner abroad that will assist me in investing the money in a lucrative business as a result of Economic Apartheid here in Nigeria.
So this is the major reason why I am contacting you for this money to be moved from the security firm for investment purpose abroad. Hence my father had intimated the security firm that the beneficiary of the box is his Foreign partner whose particulars will be forwarded to the firm when due.
But I will guide you accordingly. As soon as the funds are claimed, I will come over to meet you in person, so that we can discuss physically on investment potentials and sharing. I hereby guarantee you that this money is not Government money nor is it drug money and it is not money from arms deals. Please kindly maintain a high degree of confidentiality on this matter.
I will give you more details immediately I get your swift response. I hope this will be the beginning of a prosperous relationship between my family and yours. Please if you are not interested,kindly contact me immediately so that I can look for another person. I awaits your response.
Prince James Mike
Jag tycker du är ful med hängbröst och påsar under ögonen (Gunvald/Beck)
Opprinnelig postet av DeKjök
Jeg fikk for litt siden denne emailen (nedenfor). Slike har jeg fått flere av og det morsomme er jo at noen går på slike. Sikkert de samme som tror det er mulig å mangedoble pengene sine på ett år ved å bli med i WGI osv. Videre så minner den jo mye om FFK`s egen Given Mabasa
Attn: Sir,I am Prince James mike, the elder son of His Royal Majesty David Mike and I know this letter might surprise you because we have not met neither in person nor by correspondence, but I believe that it takes just one day to get to meet or know someone either physically or through correspondence.
I got your contact through my private research you were revealed as being quite astute in private entrepreneurship, one has no doubt in your ability to handle a financial business transaction. However, I am the first son of His Royal Majesty David Mike, the traditional ruler of Eleme Kingdom in Nigeria.
I am making this contact to you in respect of US$18,500,000.00,which I inherited from my late father. This money was accumulated from royalties paid to my father as compensation by the Crude oil located in our area as a result of Mineral presence in our land, which hampers Agriculture which is our main source of livelihood. Unfortunately my father died from protracted diabetes.
But before his death he called my attention and informed me that he lodged some funds in a box with a security firm with an open beneficiary. The lodgment security code number was also revealed to me. He then advised me to look for a reliable business partner abroad that will assist me in investing the money in a lucrative business as a result of Economic Apartheid here in Nigeria.
So this is the major reason why I am contacting you for this money to be moved from the security firm for investment purpose abroad. Hence my father had intimated the security firm that the beneficiary of the box is his Foreign partner whose particulars will be forwarded to the firm when due.
But I will guide you accordingly. As soon as the funds are claimed, I will come over to meet you in person, so that we can discuss physically on investment potentials and sharing. I hereby guarantee you that this money is not Government money nor is it drug money and it is not money from arms deals. Please kindly maintain a high degree of confidentiality on this matter.
I will give you more details immediately I get your swift response. I hope this will be the beginning of a prosperous relationship between my family and yours. Please if you are not interested,kindly contact me immediately so that I can look for another person. I awaits your response.
Prince James Mike
Jeg fikk også noe lignende for et par år siden. Da var det en fjern slekning av meg som hadde vært utsatt for et flykrasj og jeg var eneste arving av 16,5 mill. US $.
Mannen som kontaktet meg jobbet i banken som oppbevarte pengene, og hvis de ikke fant den rette eieren av pengene innen 5 år, så tilfalt pengene staten Togo. Bankmannen skulle ha 30 % i provisjon for å ordne hele saken.
Jeg fikk oppgitt et faksnummer til banken, men fant raskt ut av at dette nummeret var falskt.
Jeg tenkte da at det kunne være litt artig å spille med for å se hvor langt dette ville gå.
Etter ca 8 - 10 mailer og fakser frem og tilbake fikk jeg endelig sertifikatet som viste at jeg var den rette eier av 16,5 mill. US $.
Det eneste som manglet nå var at bankens advokat skulle reise til hovedstaten, som jeg tror het Lome, for å verifisere (tinglyse) sertifikatet, og det skulle koste kun 5000 US $. Jeg fikk til og med tilbud om å betale i to rater, den første med en gang og den neste ved levering av det ferdige sertifikatet
Morsom historie, men den stoppet der.
FFK på toppen i 2006
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