FFK- Shaktar Donetsk(Ukraina)

Er dette mulig, men disse spillerne ute?????

Men ellers MEGET bra av guttane!

Ære være Eggen jr.
68` REPLACEMENT In THE "MINER": instead of Srny it left cams.
67` from the close distance by head beat Kvisvik - Shutkov on the spot.
65` REPLACEMENT In THE "MINER": instead of The the chigrinskogo left Leonardo.
64` Viig are dug in into the penal - Seykhan transfers ball on the angular. Kvisvik will give by angular to the right - Shutkov takes away ball. Moreover the judge fixes attack on the goalkeeper.
63` To brandau enter into penal. Two times beat - two times fall into Zhivkovicha. As a result the ball departs on the angular. Elano will give by angular. Fight in the penal. Ball jumps aside to Fernandin`o. That shoots through in the direction Brandau, and Brazilian compares calculation in the match.
58` on the left flank mchitsya B`orkoy. It they attempt to stop Seykhan and Dulyay. As a result Of dulyay knocks out the ball on the angular. Kvisvik hangs up into the penal. From the depth it runs into B`orkoy, strongly it beats - ball prolet`ayet next to the "crosspiece".
56` REPLACEMENT In "FREDRIKSTADE": it left It trondset instead of Yeleunoussi.
55` Zhadson will give by angular. Norwegians intercept ball and tyuey pytyutsya to organize counterattack. Run crosses central line and beats - impact weak, and Shutkov catches ball.
54` Elano passes to Srnu. Dario it beats - goalkeeper repulses ball on the angular.
52` Zhadson will give by angular to left Berkeuana - goalkeeper intercepts ball.
52` REPLACEMENT In THE "MINER": instead of the sparrow left Berkeuan.
52` sparrow pass to Ratsa. Rats shoots through into the penal - defender knocks out ball on the angular.
50` attack of Norwegians. Impact Of viiga from the line of penal - above winch.
49` Zhadson make pass in the section to the motion to sparrow and Brandau. To brandau the first in ball. It beats - directly into the goalkeeper.
46` REPLACEMENTS In THE "MINER": instead of the auger, Khyubshmana, Levandovskogo and Belika left Shutkov, Seykhan, Zhadson and To brandau. Second time began. First time is finished. Interruption.
44` angular to the right in our gates. Kvisvik hangs up into the penal and that remaining without the guardianship By b`orkoy drives in ball into our gates. 41` Massirovannaya attack of "miner". Elano from the center returned ball to the left Fernandin`o. That beat defender, made a transfer To beliku. Aleksey beats - goalkeeper catches ball.
39` Rats try from their half of field to strike the gates of Norwegians. It beats, it popaadet into the gates. But Sorli it manages to return to the "framework" and to catch ball.
35` Fernandin`o disrupts rules not far from our penal. Norwegians develop penal. Petersen returns pass into the penal on incident Eleunoussi - auger intercepts ball.
33` Elano sees that the goalkeeper Of "fredrikstada" left far winch. It beats from a distance, but it does not fall into the gates, after which izvi it nyaetsya before the partners. 31` distant impact Of srny - above winch.
30` Zhivkovich make shed into our penal - Chigrinskiy interrupts transfer, and Dulyay knocks out ball from the penal. 28` Elano beats from the line of penal - scarcely higher winch.
26` Elano bring down not far from the penal. Penal impact practically from the same point, with which yesterday Elano drove in the goal "skonto". Elano it beats - this time the ball flies above the cross-beam.
24` Khyubshman participate in the attack. Passes Elano. Elano is further to Belika. Aleksey delayed with the ball and moment was lost.
22` Nesoglassovanost` in the actions of defender and goalkeeper of Norwegians. Defender rejects ball to goalkeeper. Sparrow "robs" goalkeeper. Returns ball under the impact Elano. Two defenders already cost on the winches. Brazilian beats - defender repulses ball.
21` Elano returned pass to Belika - Aleksey in the offside.
19` Rats threw in ball because of the lateral. Belik and Elano fight for the ball but, as a result, Kvisvik will carry ball into aut.
17` Piroya and runs in a row deliver impacts on our gates - both times on the way of ball arises Chigrinskiy.
15` Chigrinskiy returned ball To levandovskomu. Mariush made a transfer to the motion to sparrow. Andrey broke into the penal - defender in rough stock knocks out ball from under the feet of our forvarda on the angular.
14` Fernandin`o makes very precise pass from the left flank to right Srne. Dario is dug in into the penal, makes shooting through - ball it departs for the line of field.
14` immediately two Norwegians proved to be in the offside.
12` distant strong blow of run - past winch. 10` attempt Fernandin`o and Elano to organize attack "zakhlebnulas`" after pass To beliku.
7` Khyubshman make long pass to Belika - arbiter fixes position "out of the game".
5` run roughly beats on the feet Srnu, for which is obtained the "mustard plaster".
4` shed Of zhivkovicha into the penal, the impact Of viiga - auger catches ball.
3` Elano it attempted to softly move the ball across the goalkeeper - the goalkeeper of Norwegians catches ball under the cross-beam.
Match began. Match will pass in the field of municipal sportkompleksa "Camil Kahns" in g. la of nusiya. Temperature of air - +15 degrees. On the match were assembled about 60 spectators. Attends game the local brigade of arbiters headed by de pintos By franchesom. COMPOSITION OF "MINER": eshch.Shust, ee.Srna, 2`.Rats, и.Chigrinskiy, e.Khyubshman, y8.Levandovski(k), `.Dulyay, ".Fernandin`o, e`.Elano, 20.Belik, yy.Vorobey. COMPOSITION OF "FREDRIKSTADA": 2shch.Sorli, 2.Chvartek, 2ya.Zhivkovich(k), 9.Piroya, ya.Bertelsen, `.Petersen, 20.Ren, и.B`orkoy, yya.Kvisvik, ye.Eleunoussi, 22.Viig.

se jeg har gjort siden min enda bedre http://keiko99.net det er norsk forum og det er nytt. ta en titt da
(Knut Torbjørn Eggen om Tarik Elyounoussi
"Han er så lett på foten at du ikke ser fotavtrykkene hans i nysnø en gang.")
Noen som vet laget shaktar spilte med?

"We play with 2 stoppers and 3 spisses." - Nils Arne Eggen
"Jeg er kjempefornøyd med dommerne i år, de gjør såpass mange feil at vi har noe å diskutere." - Svein Matta Mathisen
Tarvelig oppsigelse til tross, det var verdt det!
Kunne godt fått litt info om hvor Rami er "småskada" Er ikke den gamle skaden han kjenner vel? Beinbruddet? Skrekk. Da får jeg NOIA hvertfall.
Vin og blomster på bordet...
Opprinnelig postet av djpete
Flere enn meg som synes det er like gledelig som merkelig at Sørlie får ekstra skryt etter dagens match? Rami skadet? Hvorfor står plutselig Steinar?
Rami har en liten strekkskade. Ikkeno alvorlig ifølge Eggen. Men de velger å være forsiktige.
FFKsupporter med ett ben, blind, døv og nylig kastrert.
se jeg har gjort siden min enda bedre http://keiko99.net det er norsk forum og det er nytt. ta en titt da
(Knut Torbjørn Eggen om Tarik Elyounoussi
"Han er så lett på foten at du ikke ser fotavtrykkene hans i nysnø en gang.")
Opprinnelig postet av raio
De stilte blant annet med Igor Duljalj, serbisk landslagsspiller, Thomas Hübschman, tjekkisk landslagsstopper, Andriy Vorobyey, ukrainsk landslagsspiss, Fernandinho som er en brasiliansk u-20 spiller, har vunnet VM for under 20, der han scora det avgjørende målet i vm-finalen, så det er intet dårlig lag vi møtte idag! Pluss at de hadde med en annen ukrainsk landslagspiller og en midtbane spiller som har landskamper for Brasil, 2 vanlige og 7 OL-kamper. Han het Elano eller noe tror jeg.. En annen kar med navn Darijo Srna spilte også, han har 32 landskamper og 8 mål for Krotia..dette er sterkt! det er er veldig bra lag vi møtte idag! dette lover godt! de har jo mange landslagsspillere som ikke er til å kimse av! :D

Jørn Moum
FFK, The Pride of Norway!
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20 minutter i mitt liv» George Best (1946-2005)
-Dagfinn Enerly i mine tanker!! Riktig god bedring Dagfinn!!!-
Vi sier som alltid... Røkkær alrdri ned!! Trenger ikke noe bedre utgangspunkt.
Alle te hallen fremover!!! Bøtta te byyyen!!!
Plankehaugen avd kr.sand!!!
Plankehaugen avd kr.sand!!!
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